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Safety Guidelines for a Spooktacular Trick-or-Treating Experience

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Halloween can be an incredibly enjoyable night for both kids and parents, as long as everyone prioritizes safety. Taking a few precautionary measures before Halloween can help ensure a smooth and secure evening, especially when eager children are eager to hit the streets and show off their costumes in exchange for candy. Setting expectations for trick-or-treating behavior, regardless of your kids’ ages, is crucial for everyone’s safety, whether you’re accompanying them or they’re venturing out with friends.

Here are some valuable reminders for actions to take before, during, and after Halloween to help your family have a fantastic and secure time this year.

Before Halloween

  1. Consider Adding Reflective Tape to Costumes: You can find reflective tape in various colors at craft and hardware stores, as well as online retailers like Amazon. This tape can add a stylish touch to any costume while enhancing safety when night falls. For less than $4 per roll, a small investment in reflective tape can go a long way in terms of safety.
  2. Assemble Your Group: Determine who you’ll be trick-or-treating with this year. If you enjoy going out as a group, consider starting the night with a Friday night potluck dinner. For older kids heading out independently, make sure you’re aware of their companions, the neighborhoods they plan to visit, and ensure they have a fully charged cell phone in case you need to contact each other during the evening.
  3. Test Flashlights: There’s nothing worse than fumbling to replace dead batteries while your kids are eager to head out the door. Take a few minutes to gather flashlights from around your home, replace all batteries before Halloween night arrives, and make sure there’s a flashlight for everyone. Consider trying the Rayovac Glow in the Dark Flashlight, which is compact, glows in the dark for easy retrieval, and boasts super-bright LED lights. You can currently get $1 off with the code GLOWINTHEDARK on the Rayovac site, and orders over $25 receive free shipping. Stock up on batteries and flashlights to qualify for free shipping!

On Halloween Night

  1. Establish Expectations Before Leaving: Review basic Halloween safety rules with your children, such as looking both ways before crossing the street at corners, using sidewalks instead of streets or neighbors’ lawns, avoiding unlit houses, entering homes only when accompanied by a trusted adult, and lifting long costumes when passing by jack-o’-lanterns with flickering candles on walkways.
  2. Don’t Forget the Flashlights: Ensure you have flashlights at hand. Keep your phone aside and engage socially. Halloween is an excellent opportunity to connect with neighbors and enjoy the evening with your children without the distraction of smartphone screens.
  3. Model Good Behavior: Since Halloween falls on a Friday night this year, it’s a perfect time to be social. However, before heading out with a drink in hand, consider the message this conveys to your kids about safety. It’s challenging to ask them to prioritize safety if our judgment may be impaired by alcohol, and we’re not fully alert to ensure their safety.

When You Return Home

  1. Inspect Your Candy Before Consuming: A cherished tradition for my brother and me was coming home and emptying our candy onto the kitchen table. We loved sorting and trading, but it also served as a safety check to ensure that everything was properly wrapped. Any unwrapped candy was promptly discarded for safety reasons.
  2. Discuss Moderation: While the temptation to indulge in ALL THE CANDY is strong, it’s an excellent opportunity to remind kids about moderation. Encourage them to have something healthy before indulging in sweets like candy.
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