What Matters When You’re Starting a New Blog, or Side Hustle

Hey friend! If you're anything like me, you’ve been dreaming of starting your blog or side hustle for a while now. You have so many ideas floating in your head, and you’re so excited—but maybe a little overwhelmed. I get it! As a busy mom and wife, I know what it's like to feel like you need all the answers right now.

I recently decided to try out a new venture, which I’ll hopefully share soon. However, being back in the phase of doing something new got me thinking about what actually matters when you are starting something new.

If you are in the phase of getting started or want to get started, this blog post is for you.

Here’s the truth, and I’m going to give it to you with love: You don’t need to know everything to get started. In fact, knowing too much too soon can hold you back. So today, I want to talk about the real things that matter when you're just starting out.

FREE New Blogger Checklist

Are you a new blogger? I’ve put together a totally FREE downloadable (and printable) checklist to help you get started on the right foot. It covers exactly what you need to do right now to have a successful blog. Fill out the form below, and I’ll send it to your email inbox ASAP.

    1. Build a Consistent Routine

    Girl, you need a routine. Not a crazy, “wake up at 5 a.m. and journal for an hour” type of routine—unless that’s your thing (I see you, early risers!). I’m talking about carving out small pockets of time where you can focus on your blog or side hustle. Whether it’s during nap time, after the kids are in bed, or those rare solo coffee moments, find a time that works for you and stick to it. Consistency is key. You don’t need to hustle 24/7, but showing up regularly, even if it’s 20 minutes a day, will keep your momentum going.

    I’ve found that if I write down when I’m going to work on my blog on a Post-it note, piece of paper, or in my planner and then leave it out where I can see it all day until I actually do it, I’m way more likely to get it done. Plus, then, I get the satisfaction of marking it off my list or taking it off the counter when I’m done.

    When you just think about doing something, especially when it’s something you don’t normally do it’s easy to forget. Out of sight out of mind.

    2. Don’t Get Stuck in Research Mode

    Oh, this one is so real. It’s easy to fall down the rabbit hole of “researching” everything—SEO, branding, social media strategies, the best email platform, the list goes on. Trust me, I’ve been there. But guess what? You could spend months researching and never actually do anything. And that’s the last thing I want for you! Research is great, but you don’t need all the answers on day one. Pick a path, and start walking it. You’ll learn more along the way, I promise!

    3. Just Hit Publish

    This one is huge. Your first blog post or product doesn’t have to be perfect. In fact, it probably won’t be. And that’s okay! You learn by doing, and the only way to do that is by hitting publish. If you’re waiting for everything to look Pinterest-perfect before launching your blog, you’re going to be waiting a long time, girl! Your first few posts will likely get a small audience—maybe just your mom and a few close friends—but that’s not the point. The point is that you’re putting yourself out there. The more you publish, the better you get.

    4. Learn from Your Analytics

    Once you start publishing, take a peek at your analytics—not obsessively, but enough to see what’s working and what’s not. Is a certain type of post getting more views? Are people clicking on a certain product? These little insights will help guide your next steps. But don’t let low numbers discourage you. It takes time to build a following, and what matters most is that you’re learning as you go.

    5. Continue to Show Up for Yourself

    When you’re juggling mom life, a business, and everything else, it’s easy to let your dreams fall to the bottom of the to-do list. But this is your reminder that you matter too. Showing up for your blog or side hustle is showing up for yourself. And trust me, when you commit to yourself, even in small ways, you’re going to feel empowered. The more you show up, the easier it gets—and the more confident you’ll become.

    6. Don’t Worry About How Things Look

    Listen, we all want our blogs and businesses to be beautiful and polished, but done is better than perfect. Don’t worry about having the perfect logo or a gorgeously designed website right now. Focus on creating content and providing value. Your design can evolve as you go. And honestly, most people aren’t going to notice the little things you’re stressing over. They just want to hear your voice and connect with what you’re offering.

    7. Don’t Get Bogged Down Thinking About The Laws, LLCs, Copyrights, or Trademarks.

    Oh, this one’s a biggie! It’s so easy to get stuck in the weeds worrying about all the legal stuff like LLCs, copyrights, and trademarks. I get it—when you're starting something new, the last thing you want is to accidentally do something wrong and get in trouble. But here’s the truth: No one is going to swoop in and take your content. You don’t need to have all these legal protections in place before you even launch your blog or side hustle.

    When you're first starting out, your focus should be on creating content, building your audience, and learning the ropes. The legal stuff? You can totally figure that out later. The reality is, until your business is booming (and it will be!), you’re not on anyone’s radar. No one is out there plotting to steal your amazing ideas or content.

    Now, I’m not saying these things don’t matter at all—they do. But they don’t need to be your first priority. Once you start gaining traction, you can look into forming an LLC or registering a trademark if it feels right for your business. For now, just focus on getting started. And guess what? You can always go back and protect your work once you’ve got some momentum going.

    So, let’s take that legal worry off your plate. Focus on creating, because your best work is still ahead of you, and you’re going to do amazing things!

    8.Forget About Plugins, Lawsuits, and What People Might Think

    Okay, let’s knock these out quickly because they can be such time-suckers:

    • Plugins: You don’t need to have a million fancy plugins to launch your blog. A basic setup is fine for now!

    • What people might think: I know it’s hard not to worry about what your aunt or high school friend might think, but realistically, how would they even find you? And even if they do, it’s YOUR life. You’re building something amazing, and anyone who judges that isn’t your people anyway. Your audience is out there waiting to hear from you.

    Bottom Line: Start Now, Perfect Later

    If you’re waiting for the perfect time to start, let me tell you—it doesn’t exist. There will always be something that feels like it needs to be done first. But you don’t need a perfect plan or a flawless launch. What you need is action. Show up for yourself, share your voice, and let the rest fall into place.

    I’m cheering for you all the way, girl. We’ve got this!

    Also don’t forget to grab your freebie for stopping by!

    FREE New Blogger Checklist

    Are you a new blogger? I’ve put together a totally FREE downloadable (and printable) checklist to help you get started on the right foot. It covers exactly what you need to do right now to have a successful blog. Fill out the form below, and I’ll send it to your email inbox ASAP.


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